Thursday, October 14, 2010

I was the Princess. You were the Pauper.

I was the Princess. You were the Pauper.
You were born as an accident.
I was born as a purpose in mind.
You opened your eyes to a world of hate.
I opened my eyes to a world of love.
You grew up with bruises.
I grew up with kisses.
Your house was the street and your playground the gutters.
My house was my family and my playground was drizzled with dolls.
You brought a knife to school for protection.
I brought my new calculator and bible.
You were touched.
I still remain untouched.
Your demons slept under your bed.
My demons slept in hell.
Your angels were unseen.
My angels danced around me.
Your father threw you around the kitchen.
My dad twirled me about the ballroom.
You escaped worry with your drugs.
I escaped worry with his promises.
You drank the alcohol to ease pain.
I drank his blood that covered my pain.
You didn’t eat to stay pretty.
I ate because I knew what pretty meant.
You built walls of hate and distrust.
I destroyed walls that claimed such.
You rebelled against the voice over you.
I submitted to the wisdom over me.
You ran away from home.
I ran to my home.
Your friends only accepted the evil in you.
My friends only accepted the good in me.
You were thrown down like a dog, how can you forget.
I was treated as a princess, how can I forget.
You sliced your skin for comfort.
I was massaged with warm hands.
You were raped.
I never knew the word.
You’ve experienced the world.
I’ve experienced God’s world.
You held the gun in your mouth.
I folded my hands in church.
You are not like me.
I am not like you.
You despise my world.
I never knew of your world.
I am more than a pampered, rich girl with the perfect life.
You are more than a cultured girl with a destroyed life.
You haven’t met me.
I haven’t met you.
But, tonight, I know we’re equals.
The princess and the pauper. We’re equals.
We both have something to give.
And both called to a different stage.

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